Russell Boyce, DDS Cert Perio

russell-boyceDr. Russell (Russ) E. Boyce is originally from Hamilton, Ontario. His undergraduate studies were in Psychology at McMaster University. He completed his Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree (DDS) from University of Western Ontario in 1985. Following graduation he was posted to Lahr, Germany as a dental officer for the Canadian Armed Forces from 1985 to 1988 and then to CFB Halifax in 1988. He received his specialty certificate in Periodontology from Dalhousie University in 1990. Following graduation, he practiced in Barrie Ontario from 1990-1994 and then opened his specialty practice in Periodontology in 1994.

Dr. Boyce has maintained a keen interest in continuing education for himself and his team members. He has served on the executive for Ontario Society of Periodontology as Program chairperson and the Kingston and District Dental Society for continuing education and served as President 2009-2012.